Shortlisted International Rubery Book Award

〰️ Winner National Indie Excellence Awards 〰️

Shortlisted International Rubery Book Award 〰️ Winner National Indie Excellence Awards 〰️

She is known as a kind of “voice-whisperer”, prising those who can only bear to sing in the privacy of the shower out onto stage for the first time
— The Times 24/12/2024
opening a door to a skill that can change lives
— 2022 International Rubery Book Award, Judges' comments
A fascinating study of how to sing. Exemplary... A lot of thought & research has gone into this book. The images are terrific and work well to elevate the scientific and physiological aspects of the book. Love, love love the exercises.
— Judges comments, 30th Annual Writer’s Digest Book Awards.
The voice is the only instrument that needs to be built by the player before it can be used
— Too Embarrassed to Sing

An essential read for anyone who thinks they can’t sing

Voices described as ‘not very good’ or less politely, ‘bad’ are often the result of some basic correctible mistakes. Sadly, this lack of understanding can define a person’s relationship with their singing voice for life and yet it doesn’t need to be this way. Find out how Too Embarrassed to Sing can help you find your singing voice.

Demystifying the core elements of vocal technique in a plain-speaking, humorous and accessible way, Too Embarrassed to Sing will boost the vocal health and self-confidence of the most sheepish of singers. You will discover how good posture and breath control can make singing feel – and sound – easy. You might be amazed by how much control you can have over the quality of your voice just by dropping your jaw or by changing the shape of your lips.

Over 50 memorable and entertaining images to help you get to grips with the trickier technical elements, and gentle reminders throughout to keep the vital requirements of good singing in the forefront of your mind.

It is not the keys on the piano nor the throat in the singer that creates sound, but the whole body working as an instrument.
— Too Embarrassed to Sing